Why the life is ill... (This theory was created on the basis of ancient Vedic knowledge).
The sensational postulate of the Georgian esoteric writer Givi Alaznis’Pireli on popular language for all physicists and reasonable people:
At A. Einstein was asked how great discoveries are made. He answered: “For example, everyone knows, that something is impossible. But then someone ignorant appears who does not know that it is impossible, and makes it”. Imagine, this time such has taken place with me. This is the answer to today’s popular question of why life is ill. It was founded on the basis of ancient Indian Sanskrit texts. I do not afraid to say, if a physicist or astronomer does not know the origin-history of cosmic space, what happened in our Universe in last millenniums, they are not true specialists of these items, long time will be locked of knowledge and they are not able to form a new physics. And so...
The discovery which you start to understand today really carries a sensational character. This strange postulate, which is new thinking and stage of modern physics, has already been published in the Georgian, Russian and American-Russian press under the sub name “Revolution in Physics?”. One Georgian meta physicist Murman Djokhadze divides my postulate and he has declared about this in Georgian and Russian press in the following manner: “Givi Alaznis'Pireli has put forward such ingenious theory, that for it even the Nobel Prize does not suffice”. I know he is not an authority today for the foreign reader to trust him completely. Therefore I have decided to address the world’s physicists and metaphysicists of different countries about the fact that the greatest secret of nature is discovered by me: the real origin of the light, about which apparently our ancestors knew perfectly.
Once... – it was, is remembered, by autumn of 1995, – I have come to Murman Djokhadze home with hope, that he rather skilled meta physicist of Georgia and has acquainted him with the contents of one of my new concepts under the name “Theory of disclosed space”. This new subject concerns the secret of lightning, fireball, and conclusions in this connection by the natural phenomenon. Business in what...
Old Indian religion texts remind us that four statuses are marked in the Universe: 1) Satya-Yuga – most lightened epoch; 2) Treta-Yuga – slightly darkened epoch; 3) Dvapara-Yuga – clearly darkening epoch; and 4) Kaly-Yuga – our epoch when in the whole cosmos is completely dark. Please, pay attention to how gradually space darkens under the story of Vedas. This means, that the magnetic lines of the whole Universe lost active vibrations gradually too. The result... Indian spiritual texts also remind us that nowadays the “Highest energy is covered with lowest energy” (the book “Doctrine of Shri Chaytan”, published in the Georgian language, page 113. Sorry, I have not English version of this book). Apparently, if nowadays the space is reigned by the Great night, i.e. the darkness and cold, and here the final stage the Kaly-Yuga is meant, necessarily somewhere also should exist the Great day of Satya-Yuga, where everything there shines. But where is today the super-light of the Satya-Yuga? Where is the so-called Great day? The answer exists: as I learned from Sanskrit texts, today the Satya-Yuga exists in other times, in the parallel world as in the past, so in the future since time is also round. (Note: as my esoteric texts consider the real existence of two suns in the Universe, with the purpose of the best analysis the visible sun in the texts was written with lower-case letters).
Frequently it was necessary to notice, that the interlocutor can not at once understand the essence of Great night and is confused. It is represented to someone, the night dominates only then, when is not visible the sun. Sorry, but it is not so. I will present now the illustration (fig. 1), on which you can see visible the sun and Earth, covered on the part of the sun and simultaneously perfectly dark environmental space of Great night in which are all other planets too. As you can see, the Earth on the one hand is covered by beams of the sun, but the height of its light is about 30 km from the surface of the Earth. It is a “day”. But look in parallel and you will convince, all this area of cosmic space is covered with deep impenetrable darkness even then when the sun shines there. However, despite the quantity and volume of solar light in the Universe dominates Great night with minus 273.15 temperature, which has gradually replaced the Great day of the very far past. In summary, the very hot field of Ether of all space was cooled.
Let's imagine that we managed to turn arrows of mechanical hours back and we together with time are carried in the past. It is difficult to believe, but then further we’ll be moved in the past, more in the Universe some super-light will arrives for us, and very long ago the whole Universe is shining. But if we again turn arrows of hours to the right, return to the present time. How will we prove that then further we go to past there is more light in Universe? Primarily two scientific facts: about 600 years ago Greenland was noticed. And more: in 1960-1970 years, when I was in school, physics teacher taught us that there is the minus 272 C in cosmic space. Then in 1980-1990, the temperature of all dark space dropped and it was minus 273. And in 2000, when I was in the USA for two years, one of the cosmologists wrote in the American press that the temperature in cosmic space has dropped more to minus 273.15 C. This is the scientific fact that my theory is close to reality.
Now religious facts: according to the Bible approximately 7500 years back Adam and Eva still are alive. The question arises, why? I.e. why the people in ancient times did not die, even if this were occurring somewhere in the area of Eden. What was happening on the Earth? There should be a logical explanation to this question, after all, a being does not die only in super-light. The answer to this question already exists: in that oldest time in the space of the whole Universe is dominated by the super-light of Satya-Yuga. Probably it is clear to everyone that I am not talking about solar light. I offer you the second fact which should prove that the more we recede back in time, the more light is in the whole Universe:
Modern reasoning recognizes that medicine began to develop when the development of a man itself activated, but this is a big error. On the contrary, the medicine was developed only because the space of the World darkened, the man became weak and his body was penetrated by the organic illnesses of black space. It is necessary to repeat that if we shall recede back in time, the more light is in the whole Universe. It means, that more light there is on Earth, healthier and long life is the human being. And when the space started to be dominated by Kaly-Yuga, which took place approximately 5000-4000 years ago, the body started to experience a shortage of a white super field and various illnesses started to appear and as a result, men were forced to address the nature for help and use plants for medicine.
Here is the third fact: according to each man, years of his childhood and youth are morally cleaner and higher than subsequent ones. I have not met a person who would assert that our present life is morally purer than the former. This is real logic and senseless to deny. In general, it is time to acknowledge that reading ancient manuscripts and books are a pleasant process because we are in contact with super-light, which reigned in space some tens of centuries back. So, we are not correct to think, that a man created a book only when he developed it. No. On the contrary, the world had to create the book only because in Space and on the Earth certainly, the super-light decreased and because of the loss of excellent memory man was forced to write down the oldest knowledge so that it would be preserved for following generations. Thus, our ancestors perfectly knew that the time passes, there is lesser spiritual light remaining on the Earth and around us. I think that the meaning of the Russian prophecy “End of Light” is the concept of the disappearance of the super-light of the very past of the Universe.
Millenniums have passed. And when man was deprived of the natural ability to pass thoughts on a long-distance, we created the phone; lost the ability to lift heavy objects by force of sight, was created elevating the machine; became nostalgic about space, and invented a space shuttle. So, we are brought up incorrectly; we have incorrect knowledge of the past; we are not taught appropriately. Frequently asked questions – where are men of oldest times?! Where are their Leaders and great cosmic knowledge?! – We are here now, you are here today, but do not remember our reincarnations without super-lights of Satya-Yuga. That is why until there is no explanation, who is God or why was built pyramids. Yes, but what has all this in common with a secret of lightning?
When during the lightning the sky is split and certain other light is transparent from the crack, this is super-light of the far past. I.e. at the moment of discharge of the accumulated energy in the clouds, there is instant combustion of that part of the Great night, in which the lightning was formed because of what light of Great day has time to break out from there for one-two seconds in our real-time. At this moment the Ether containing today in it the cold and darkness is opened... (Remark for physicists: I know, by Old Greeks Ether was a hottest super energy, filling by itself the whole Universe of the far past. But as on an extent millenniums the hot Ether gradually lost the light and has cooled down, nowadays I consider it as a gloom filling all space modern Universe’s area).
Question: if in our time there is no Great day, how do the clouds today find a positive charge from it? The answer: the past cannot be imagined this way, as it was completely has ceased to exist. It seems that the super-light of Satya-Yuga and its heat hide in other dimensions of the space. Despite an almost complete absence of the Great day nowadays, the negative charge, which has accumulated in clouds now, gropes the world of super-light, i.e. of the past times, and is discharged at one of its sites. This causes instant to unload, emission, the instant drain of a part of Great day from highest dimensions to our time, perception of which we, living in present, have enough time to see it.
From the point of view of scientists, lightning is generated within the clouds only. But I consider that in the clouds only black, negative charge accumulates, this is why the clouds in such moments are black. And the positive pole is outside of Great night, in Great day, or in former light which is not seen in our time because of its passivity.
Please, look at illustration 2. If, for example, we'll manage to penetrate into cosmic darkness by fingers and to pull out from the dark at least in two places black fluids, as it is shown in this picture, into the dark sky will penetrate the super-light of huge power. This is how the phenomenon of light appears in real-time. Coming from the depth of Ether, the radiation of light is heated and has super properties. For example, put in such a jet of light the matter immediately loses hardness, which it had before, and transfers into a state of dematerialization. Science does not have a real explanation for this phenomenon.
When the electrician works on the metal with the electro welding device, there is a dazzling ultra-violet light (see fig. 3). I should offer you the one more surprising conclusion that at the moment of contact with the weight of electrodes, the cold Ether’s field is deeply split, or let’s call it the Ether liquid which causes the light of the Great day to breakthrough. This is why the flare contains high heat ultra-violet beams and brightly shines. The metal at this moment experiences the influence of light which penetrated the cold Ether crack and as a result, primarily it is heated. At the same time influence on metal makes super measurement of light and as a result, the metal is exposed to dematerialization. We speak about this process as of “liquefaction of metal”. Actually, it did not liquefy but simply lost its inherent properties as a result of dematerialization. Similar processes constantly proceed at the ignition of a match, kindling of fire, a short circuit of electricity, at a fire, etc. But in different cases, the space is opened to different depths. So, this is my new postulate according to which any light with heat occurs in this world from the parallel world, from far past. Modern cosmic space absolutely does not have its own light and heat itself.
How else may the cold Ether be disclosed? It is possible to open Ether liquid with a laser beam too, which may dissect anything it passes (see fig. 4). But the laser beam does not itself dissect a matter but only serves as a “pipe” through which the super-light from the parallel world passes.
Between other, there is one such secret and sacral place on the Earth, where Ether's expanse is disclosed eternally. It occurs inside our Planet. All always shine there. There were the oldest super Civilizations of Babylon, Lemur, Atlantis, and Shambala is kept. This place is under the Caucasus (fig. 5). See more information about it here: ecoteric-writer.webnode.ru/about-earths-core-and-magnetic-fieldAnd now recall a burning candle or look at the offered here illustration (fig. 6). The candle is lit, it’s bright around it. But are you sure that this candle illuminated the surrounding? Yes? It is not right, it only seems so. In reality flame of a candle destroys the darkness of space and its place is taken by the light of the parallel world dormant today under the black and cold Ether. So it is desirable to remember that the LIGHT is SHINING, not the fire, these are two different substances. The flame of fire is only an elastic window to the parallel world. Apparently, the light which for example has illuminated a room exists always, but Kaly-Yuga’s super pressure on it is so great nowadays, that the former light in comparison with black darkness renders weak and is not visible. This is why it is so dark in the cosmic space. This is what the texts of ancient Indian shepherds remarked: “highest energy is blocked by energy by lowest”. If the ancient texts give us such information, it is not clear to me, why modern physics called invisible super energy "Dark energy"? There is no logic because we are today in a dark Universe.
Here is one more interesting detail of my “Theory of disclosed space”: the physicists know and it is the fact, that the fireball which is a round luminous object, is most frequently seen during bursts of thunder and lightning. This phenomenon is so strange, until now scientists do not know the logical mechanism of its occurrence in the world. I am ready to offer you one more opinion according to which if not a crack in the sky during the lightning, in our world there would be no fireball. Probably, at this moment the fireball escapes from the depth of the parallel world, and this is the episode of Satya-Yuga. Certainly, the reason for the photons and electromagnetic fields about all subjects also is the active field of different epochs. But what way they occur nowadays in our world, about it larger is present in five volumes of my book under the name “Great discovery of the world” (in 1994-2006 four volumes were published in our capital of Tbilisi, and in 2002 three parts in one book was published in Moscow).
How to present the white and black worlds together, simultaneously, and so that white settles under black? For this purpose, I ask you once again to look at the image here of burning candles. For it, two extreme colors of a spectrum are used. Look, as a flame of a candle burns out black fluids, and as a result, white is seen through black, and it even seems to us that it is possible to “sink” a hand in a white field. Now I ask you to involve all your imagination and look again at the image of a candle and steadfastly peer in the area of flame. Please, look long. The luminescence proceeds even though the depth of a paper, or imagine that the white color settles down behind a black background of the figure, under black.
And now look at the image of lightning (fig. 7). Please, look narrowly at a crack, formed by it, inside, in white. That is the super-light of Satya-Yuga. So, space is such, which field of the color is active; and which kind is the space, the same kind we are. Today all cosmic space is black since it is Kaly-Yuga that dominates the Universe. That is why, the spiritual light that has to feed our subconsciousness (subconsciousness is the memory of the soul), is almost expired. Do you say that the morals of mankind fell? But why blame us. This is the first reason for the world’s very aggression because the positive energy decreases each day, however, the opportunity of the rescue of mankind is present. So, the main question, why life is sick, the answer thus: because the electromagnetic lines of the whole Universe lack strong vibrations. I'm expecting even worse and I think is approaching international hysteria on our Planet. However, the opportunity of the rescue of mankind is present yet.
Last question: maybe all the same it is not clear, if the super-light existed some time, how do we see today its reflection at the moment of shining of lightning? The largest secret of lightning is that does not submit to time and it shines from completely different past epochs.
* * *
This concept was published in the newspapers in Georgia:
“The latent facts” (in Tbilisi City. 1998. ## 42,43,44);
“Cathedral AYA” (1999. # 2); “Asaval-Dasavali” (1999. # 31);
in Russia: “Moscow Komsomol” (in Moscow City. 2000. # 285);
“Hidden force” (Moscow. 2001. # 2); “Anomaly”
(in St.-Petersburg City. 2002. ## 19/270 and 20/271);
in USA: “V Novom Svete” “In New Light”
(in New-York City. 2002. # 7/363)
and etc. (there is a long list).
Republishing of entire text and illustrations are permitted free of charge by the Author.
(It was translated with help Google first from Georgian to Russian, then from Russian to English. Probably, there are many errors. Excuse me).
If any newspaper or magazine will to publish my materials, please send me a copy at the address: to Givi Alaznis’Pireli. 4, Energetic str. 0117. Zahesi. Tbilisi. Republic of Georgia.
E-mails: givi144144@gmail.com or alaznispireli@hotmail.com
Phone: +995577458144
FB: https://www.facebook.com/Esoteric.Writer